Olivers Hill – June 2017

It was a cool, overcast, calm June day as we 9 paddlers headed out through the rocks at Oliver’s Hill. It was great to have Barbara, Bob, & Martin back paddling with us again. We paddled into Davey’s bay keeping close to the shore. The very costly houses lining the cliffs were interesting to see. It was evident that lands slips had occurred just above the beach. The water was clear but we had a short, choppy sea. Barbara, Penny & Lyn decided to take the short course so they returned while the others continued on to Canadian bay. Bob took some photos & Brian was interested in the fishing boats. We returned by midday & quickly packed up the trailer. Everyone agreed that this was a good launching place & that the day’s paddling had been a great success. Thanks again to Tony for his storage & towing of our club trailer.   Thanks. Dennis